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K.Yvonne & Andrea.T
Singapore & Italy
We have a plan to create memories. These memories are for our future This is our life together, which is so near & yet so far. But nothing will keep us apart, for we will brave all together... just to see the rainbow at the other end



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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Geoje (aka Koje) Island, Korea

We are now at one of the southern island off Pusan, Korea. It is a shipyard island as both Samsung & Daewoo Shipyard are located here and off the map, we are staying very near to Samsung Shipyard called, Samsung Village which is of cos built by them.

I have taken some pictures of our apartment but has yet to download it, will post it up later.

Over where we are, it's nice & quiet and more than often, people are always seen wearing their shipyard uniform from Samsung has it's the main shipyard here, at Okpo, the other side will be Daewoo, the 2nd largest shipyard in the world.

So far, we have yet to explore the island and the furthest was Okpo to have Pizza the 1st night we reached as the chef, who's Korean, learned the art of Pizza from a Master in Naples.

I will try to update as much as possible :)

writtern @1:32 AM


Being not a fast food fan obviously this is the last thing I would go but for our 1st meal since arriving in Geoje Island more than 1 week ago, fast food was our 1st bet, and safe I must swear since everything here's in Korean which is alien to us.

LOTTERIA is their own chain of fast food and surprisingly, there's no others besides this.

This is the only place where we can understand its menu as it has English words on it and it's not your typical burgers, like I mentioned it's Korean style so it's Bulogi burgers etc, how cool is that.

Verdict: Marinate of meat is good but bun is dry and cold. Of cos otherwise needed, I wouldn't be eating another burger from here soon.

writtern @1:22 AM

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


It has been sometimes since I last made a post on this blog, looks like it's time again for new entries since we are now in Korea. Andrea has been posted to Goje Island, off Pusan, Korea at it's Samsung Shipyard for work. Since we last arrived, it has been about 6 days on this little island.

Never had any good impression of Korea, not it's food or people I must say. Am not being biase but it was based on personal experiences for me, sad to say to pass this judgement. Singaporeans aren't the most civilised people on earth but I must say Koreans sure can beat us. I was on board the plane, ready to leave my seat just after Andrea exited, which is very normal that whoever is behind in line must wait since the 2nd person is also leaving his or seat, naturally you must wait. However, this Korean girl, in her mid 20's decided to turn a blind eye to that tried to barg her way thru' just when I am getting onto the aisle. I got fed up and just turned back towards her with my bagpack giving her a little shove and walked off. Serves her right for doing that.

Just the other day at the supermarket while grocery shopping, this lady was behind me with her cart & she kept pushing her cart into me & I was so angry that I turned around to give her my killer stare. How irritating is she! Yesterday another mother & daughter pair just rammed into my shopping cart, pushing it away even thou' I was standing closed by, when I saw it I was just like "How fucking rude can these people be, bloody uncouth!" They were whispering among themselves which I didn't give a flying shit for that and once again gave them my killer stare.

I say "excuse me" when people blocked my way etc and I didn't think it's so hard to do but when in Korea, they never do. Sometimes I just give it back to 'em cos being civilised in Korea do not work.

writtern @2:45 AM

Monday, March 2, 2009

My baby called my from the ship yesterday night which was only a few hours earlier. We have always been telepathic especially in missing each other. He called the moment I sent a text message over even I know he won't be able to read it but then moment when he reaches Singapore, he'll be flooded with my thoughts of him and that will bring more than just smiles to his face and knowing he is happy makes me happy too :)

I was more than happy to hear his beautiful voice cos I missed him so much. We talked about what has happened for the past few days, catching up on each other's activities while he was away, on the sea, coming to me...how excited is that.

We will be spending time together on board the new ship and to top the list, from 9 March onwards, we'll will be spending our lives together cos I will be heading to Korea with him for his work. Our wishes have finally come true and we will not change a single moment just waiting fort the day to come.

It is gonna be a real challenge which I know 90% of the time it will be alright, just a little bit of give and take. I seriously cannot wait for this day to come!!

writtern @10:22 AM

Monday, February 16, 2009

Amore has been back from sea trial for a few days now and the 1st thing I did was to attack him cos I saw him writing on facebook with his "Italish (Italian-English)" that he is back from sea-trial, announcing to the whole world that he is back but not missing me...of cos I will not let him get away scott-free without a fight so I wrote back in facebook saying how nice of him not to miss me!! Well, he of cos put another posting this time round about how much he misses me hehe

This is our 2nd V-day together, not physically but over the webcam but on the 13 Feb, I totally forogtten that 1 or 2 weeks before I did promise my colleagues to go drinking because there's a bottle of vodka waiting for us and we need to finished it before 21 February. Also from 20-22 February, we will all be in Genting!! I panic and called Andrea up knowing he'll be fuming mad, true to my prediction, behind that calm voice I could hear a broken heart. But I can't back out last minute cos they were looking forward to it :( so I went.

Got home by 4am and woke Andrea up online, he was still upset. I of cos didn't know why he was so upset until he told me that he planned a surprise for me with candles and cake to celebrate V-day...OMG!! My heart melted and I felt so shitty and mad at myself immediately, how could I do that to him!! My poor baby.

Even thou' it's over now but I am still feeling bitter about allowing myself to let him go thru' this, I will ensure this is not ever going to happen again. Sorry my love :(

writtern @4:46 AM

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Andrea started his sea trial since Monday and so far he tried to call me at least once everyday if he can. My phone has a special ring tone for him and my face lights up immediately whenever I hear it. I really can't wait for Friday to come cos he'll be done and after that, he'll be preparing for his departure to Singapore, YES!

People always wonder what do we have to say to each other every night, I really can't answer that because hmmm we just talk. We talk about everything, our day, what we did, what happened, our thoughts and other stuff as well, of cos we do have our fair share of talking some nonsense but it's good funny ones.

I'd say that having a partner with one or two common interest helps too as doing things together can bring the both of you closer. Both of us enjoy board games especially RISK and MONOPOLY, we both love chocolate mint ice-cream etc. But being away from each other has its disadvantages as these stuff seems impossible to many. However, we think it's all in your heart and mind, how much you want it and we both want it badly to spend time therefore we sometimes play games online, challenging each other and boy, must I stress that we always have so much fun doing it.

Even when he is in town, whenever we are not out, we will either our mother tongue from each other, watch a nice movie with a big ass popcorn or play some games, be it on PS3 or board games. I am not a fan of PS3 but the last time we had so much fun trying to figure out how to get thru' the different type of sports in Beijing Olympics 2008.

The moral of the story is do you really want it as much as the other person? If you do, your actions will talk way louder than words.

writtern @5:26 AM

The Sweetest Thing

Did I mention that one of the sweetest thing he did for me was ......................
It was funny to hear how he did it cos he was so afraid of being caught doing this and had to ski all the way to a place where there's tree all over, unless you are really good, you wouldn't consider this route. Told me that snow was so high that it went into his ski boots...amore mio you are the best trust me, when I tell you this :)

writtern @5:15 AM